Coaching Options

Coaching Membership:  ADHD Strength Hub

continuous coaching  includes:
  • one individual coaching call each month
  • one group coaching call each month
  • 4-point signature framework to address your individual goals holistically
  • private peer community for daily support
  • unlimited library access to courses, quick videos, audio files, downloads, call replays and more
  • coach access between sessions with private voice/text messaging
  • Q&A/open office hours access twice per month - troubleshoot, ask questions, anything on your mind
  • guest lectures and lessons from other experts in the field
  • newsletter subscription with valuable tools, events, discounts and more
  • 25% discount on any additional individual coaching, plus various discounts on future events
  • VIP status for priority scheduling of individual sessions, early access to events and membership expansion features
  • curated resource recommendations

perfect for:

  • making the biggest change in the shortest time
  • balancing group learning with individual focus
  • learning more and diving deeper on your own schedule
  • making efficient use of your coaching budget
  • cementing your commitment to yourself with tangible investment
  • staying on track and accountable
  • people with big goals
  • finding like-minded friends and the support of community



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Single Coaching Sessions

scheduled one at a time, with no obligation; includes:

  • a Strong Start call to ensure a good fit and establish goals
  • one coaching session at a time
  • text access to your coach between sessions
  • flexible scheduling
  • newsletter
  • referral bonuses (for you and for them!)

perfect for:

  • intensive, completely private coaching
  • either very concise troubleshooting or
  • weekly meetings and more frequent accountability checks